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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

There are several dietary culprits that must be avoided during the program:

There are several dietary culprits that must be avoided during the program:

1. Avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates that break down rapidly (yeasts ferment sugar and thrive on simple carbohydrates).

2. Avoid fermented, yeast-containing and moldy foods - they support the growth of yeast in individuals sensitive to those foods. Molds can grow on any food. A controversy exists over whether eating yeast or fermented foods causes yeast overgrowth. Individuals who are not allergic to these foods may be able to consume them. To determine whether yeast-containing foods are a problem, avoid all yeast and fermented foods for the first two to three weeks. If improvement occurs, reintroduce these foods, one at a time, every two or three days. If a food does not cause a recurrence of symptoms, it may probably be consumed without problems.

3. Any food causing an allergic reaction must be avoided (foods causing allergic reactions disrupt the immune system and help yeast grow). The most common food allergens are yeast, milk, corn, eggs, wheat, and citrus. But an individual may be allergic to any food or beverage. Therefore, test for food allergies. Rotate foods daily to avoid developing food sensitivities. Read more

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